A few times shyed away by the long wait times for a late night Hollywood meal, we decided to play up the experience by dressing in our clubbing attire and going to Roscoe's House of Chicken and Waffles first. Arriving at 7pm almost completely avoided the crowd, as we only had to wait about 15 minutes to sit down in the surprisingly small (but quaint) restaurant.
A few proud 'I finally made it here' pictures later, my entire party and I ordered some type of combination of fried chicken and waffles

Though the prices were a bit higher than anticipated ($8-$15/person.) Since we were splitting we chose the larger meal (1/4 "Chix" and two waffles) which allowed us to order all white meat chicken.

Not the world's biggest fried chicken fan, but by no means unfriendly to the traditional Southern food, I appreciated that it was better than KFC. Against my better caloric judgment I ate most of the usable skin off the chicken because the batter was excellent. The meat itself was good quality as well. The waffles were good, nothing that stood out as outstanding. Still a little unsure how the chicken and waffles tie in together in any other way than a one-way ticket to post dinner greasy regret, but it certainly didn't taste bad. The cornbread which we ordered on the side was a bit dry and disappointing.
A fun Hollywood landmark that I may return to if I don't have to wait an hour for a table and with a big group of people after a ravenous night of heavy drinking. Otherwise, not on my immediate to-do list.
Visited July 14,2007
1514 N Gower St Hollywood, CA 90028